
Friday, August 9, 2019

The Pattern Matching Technique in Case Study Research Paper

The Pattern Matching Technique in Case Study - Research Paper Example Descriptive Case Study, pattern matching helps to determine its validity, on the condition that prior to data collection the predicted pattern of specific variables is defined. Moreover, pattern-matching being a predictive approach to intervention, it â€Å"specifies a post-intervention pattern of results/ incidents that would either show ‘effects’ or ‘no effects’†. In pattern matching, the data analysis phase begins at the preliminary stage of data collection. Testing the perceived patterns in the field is an advantage of this methodology. Data analysis would then consist of â€Å"pattern matching the collected evidence against the initially stipulated pattern†. For example, a case study conducted on educational reform can begin by conceptualizing some patterns regarding implementing improved curriculum and instruction, consequent redesigning of tests and assessments by basing them on the new curriculum and instruction methods, appropriately changed in-service opportunities for teachers, and also an altered preservice training system for new teachers. The researcher’s Case Study would determine whether this pattern of educational conditions had actually occurred, and the extent to which the conditions were clearly similar. In research, a pattern is an arrangement of occurrences, incidents, behavioral actions, or the outcomes of in terventions which occur as a series in time. Hypotheses are theories predicting a pattern of values of variables. In the pattern of a non-equivalent dependent variable design, the initially predicted value must be found for each element of a pattern of dependent variables. Another type is the pattern in a non-equivalent independent variables design, as derived from a typological theory. research validity.  

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